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Valle de Atongo (House)
Tepoztlan, Morelos.

Sale: $39,500,000
Mexican pesos
Clave: LP3000
Lot: 8,640.00 m² Back: 1,500.00 mts.
Construction: 1,985.00 m² Age: 1990
Condition: Excellent Breakfast area: Yes
Living Room: Yes Dining Room: Yes
Bedrooms: 12 Baths: 11
Kitchen: With equipment Stationary gas: Yes
Service quarters: With bath Cistern: 2 de 50 m3
Garage: 10 Garden: Very large
Pool: With equipment Municipal water: 2 pozos prop, toma y cap de lluvia
Located: Gated street Traffic: Minimum
Pets: Yes Jacuzzi: Yes
Hydropneumatic: Yes Laundry room: Yes
Terrace: Yes